Santarina 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005

What's a Christmas day without the santarinas eh guys? So ladies and gentlemen, now I would like to present to you the wife of Santa Clause santarina of two-oh-oh-five~!

forget santa, she can walk into my home anytime

usually you prepare these for santa, but now she serves 'em to YOU

after you're done, you get a pleasant surprise ^_^

then she may dance a little

and a bit more..

i'll leave the rest to your imagination

Have yourself a merry seductive christmas!

Christmas Wish List 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005

In a week's time the year 2005 will be over for good. Now let me think back what were the highlights of my year in the year of cocks rooster. Firstly, I turned 21 at the beginning of the year though I didn't have a big party like most of my friends around me had. They say that you should hold a big birthday party and make it as grand as possible to celebrate the day you hit 21 as it is the age where you achieve freedom from your parents as an adult. But I didn't really feel like celebrating so no party was held.

This year has also seen an end to my college life after 4 years of joy, disappointment and torture. Joy for the opportunity to meet and study with new people as well as getting some new friends. Disappointment for the endless below par results of exams and experiencing the torture of typing stacks of good-for-nothing ASSignments. Damn, the way I type that word has never been so satisfying now that I no longer have to do those piles of crap.

There are several other incidents that happened around this year but I'm more interested to present out a list of what I (unrealistically) want for Christmas, though I don't really celebrate it.

First of all, I would like a sporty two-door car as a present, preferably a MAZDA. Undoubtedly, I wouldn't even consider getting a two-door car with my own money but since Santa's paying for it, ah what the heck. I'll take it. *LoL* By the way I don't know the exact model of this car so don't ask.

Next in my list would be a Naked Chef, literally. Having a personal chef would definitely make my life easier because I won't have to eat out often anymore. I am sure that I won't ever feel bored with home-cooked meals anymore, even if I have to take the same damn thing day in and day out. Heck, I don't even mind going to the market with a chef such as this so as long as she works like this. *grins*

Last but not least, a free flow of unlimited beer from Santa. Judging by the size of his belly, I think he has had more than enough beer for his own good. So some beers for my pals and myself to spend the eve would be very nice to go with.

After mentioning the stuffs above, I don't think I'm asking too much from the big guy now, am I? After all I didn't kill anyone, beat up anyone, talk back at the elders or run over a dog while driving. Yeah well there was gambling and cursing at certain people but those are about it. I've been a decently good boy this year.

Merry Christmas in advance to everyone that I know. Hope you guys like the christmas song and the greeting picture of this blog. Enjoy the holidays!

Prosperity undies
Friday, December 09, 2005

One fine afternoon, 3 fellas namely Mah Seng, Jee Ngor Chai and Robert were playing quite a few rounds of mahjong at Mah Seng's place. After twenty rounds of the game, Mah Seng and Jee Ngor Chai were getting more and more frustrated as their betting chips were getting lesser as each round passes by. The obvious winning player, Robert was smiling away looking at the stack of chips scattered at his corner of the mahjong table.

Not happy with Robert's winning streak, the two friends finally spilled out their disgruntled feelings.

Mah Seng: *cursing in cantonese* Hei yao chee lei, played for so many rounds already and I'm still giving out money! Damn farkin unlucky today! *hits the table in anger*

Jee Ngor Chai: Yea la, I feel like I'm cheated nia *stares at Robert* Eh farker, are you hiding some tiles beneath your ass ar?

Robert: Eh, please be more like a gentlemen la~ There's always a winner and losers when you play a game.

Mah Seng: Kool down la Jee Ngor Chai, we just have to admit today that we're being robbed at this table. After all, we're playing with ROBert ma~

Jee Ngor Chai: Hahahaah! Yeah, true also man.

Robert: Ha mi lan jiao la! You two bastards don't make fun of my name ok?!

Mah Seng: LoL! Just kidding man. We just couldn't believe your luck today. My blood pressure is going sky high just by playing with you.

Robert: Ah... it's all thanks to my brand new prosperity underwear.

Mah Seng & Jee Ngor Chai: Prosperity what??!

Robert: Underwears la. They are in red colour somemore! My beloved mother bought for me in conjunction with chinese new year 2006 man!

Both Mah Seng and Jee Ngor Chai went laughing and cackling after hearing Robert's statement. But those laughters halt when Robert took it out for all to see.............

I wanted to put up this entry around the week of chinese new year next year which will be on the end of January but I guess I can post about something else by then. As for now, I present to you guys an example of many other things that the chinese community can do/create in order to realise the customary beliefs.

Yours Truly
the piggy one

D e n n i S

* Seeded in Penang
* 13/1/84
* Fluent in vulgar language
* Loves cheese cakes, shopping, chatting, chicks in bikinis.
* Supporter of Manchester United & Barcelona F.C
* Hates books, singing, drawing, camping
* A.k.a Ah Wei Koh

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