Time flies..
Monday, August 10, 2009

Last I've been here to update was in February?? Surprisingly fast but not unexpected when I look back at those days that went by. I've met and known some people. Made new friends not just through socializing but also those that came out from my friends' wombs :-p Yep, some of my married female friends recently gave birth to healthy little babies. Even went to visit one of them at a confinement home to catch a glimpse of her newborn child. It's nice to see her happy with her son, but at the same time it makes you feel older, and I mean REALLY older.

As usual, she asked me some of those familiar questions that have been aimed at me, from old friends to my nosy aunts. "When are you really gonna get a gf", "what are your high requirements that are keeping you from picking one", "why are you so choosy", "how long do you still wanna play" and the list goes on. What they don't understand or pretend not to understand is that I'm just not someone who goes out and get something just for the sake of getting it. As far as I'm concerned, it's not just about looking and picking out a pretty face to be with. I know there are a lot of good looking ones out there and I'm not blind. I guess it's not my time yet.

I've gotten myself a set of Chicago Bulls DVDs not long ago. Eight pieces of discs that include nail biting games, history of the club and of course the player that I idolise the most, Michael Jordan. I may be watching a lot of football and supporting Manchester United now but basketball remains close to my heart. It's the only sport I watched and actually got involved in. I can't find any word to describe how much I love the game of basketball. I think I'm still passionate about the sport but there's just no proper basketball court to display my "passion" (insert lame laughter here). It's a pity that basketball isn't in the primary category of sports in this country. Lack of playable courts is what makes me think twice before getting a new basketball that eventually requires me to get a new pair of basketball shoes. It's been a decade or so since I quite watching the NBA. New rules have been made to make things easier for the offensive players and harder for the defensive ones. And the offensive players can't even score as high as his "airness", M.J. in his prime. I guess he really set the bar a bit too high for the next generation of players. Well, the United Center of Chicago didn't create a statue for him for no reason.

As for the notorious husky living with me, he's getting bigger and stronger. Destroyed some plants in the garden, some slippers of ours and also killed a few birds. I don't know if he's really THAT fast or the birds are getting dumber. I ran over a pigeon before so I guess I can't be all too surprised. Somehow me and him are alike. Too bad I don't have blue eyes like him.

Just recently a friend of mine got infected by the H1N1 virus but luckily he's recovering. Even more lucky is the fact that I wasn't infected although I hang out a lot with him especially for lunch or dinner. I haven't even been to the clinic for 2 years or so. Is it so hard to get medical leave and stay away from work for a few days? Sheesh~ I need to give out some antibodies of mine to people. Any takers? It's immune to the influenza. *winks*

Yours Truly
the piggy one

D e n n i S

* Seeded in Penang
* 13/1/84
* Fluent in vulgar language
* Loves cheese cakes, shopping, chatting, chicks in bikinis.
* Supporter of Manchester United & Barcelona F.C
* Hates books, singing, drawing, camping
* A.k.a Ah Wei Koh

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