Went to catch the movie 'Superman Returns' few hours ago but a big disappointment hit me that time. It's not because the plot of the movie was awful, but there was some technical errors that happened in the cinema that got me upset. What's more upsetting was that it got cut just when the movie was reaching the climax. But for now I'm not going to waste more time complaining about it.
It is indeed a pleasant surprise, or I should say anticipation for this month in terms of movies in the cinemas. I placed Superman on top of my list when it comes to movies that I wanna watch for this month, way ahead of the new 'fast and furious' epic. Although this superhero was created many decades ago, there is still a lot of eagerness in me to see him in action. After all these years watching many adventurous movies, none has been close to Superman when it comes to the excitement that it brings out of me. We all know what he can do, who he actually loves, where does he come from and what are his weaknesses. So the reason I was very into this movie is not because of curiosity. It was because of that small tinge of admiration I still have for that superhero since my childhood days. It kinda brings back the sweet old memories of watching the good going up against the bad. That was back then when we had always witnessed the good prevailing over the evil, through our innocent eyes. Indeed that was a joy to behold when I was a little kid.
Having an enormous strength and the ability to fly made him my favourite childhood hero among those cartoons and movies that was shown before on TV. No doubt that the special effects in today's movie production have improved by leaps and bounds. But during the movie, it was the part where Lois floated in the sky with the man of steel that got me smiling. No explosions, no special beams effects. Just a reunited couple floating in the moonlit sky. Sounds simple, doesn't it? To me, those scenes of him roaming the skies rushing to the aid of humanity are the main attractions to me.
When I was a kid, those preceding movies and cartoons about him have always projected a humble and at the same time a strong image of him. Like other kids, I've always believed that he will never fail to defeat those who oppose him. The criminals of course. I remember the last movie of Superman was the one lead by Christopher Reeve, the one who portrayed the man of steel. The special effects back then were not as advanced as the current one, but nonetheless it never ceased to amaze me. Scenes of the people of Metropolis looking up to the sky to see THE MAN has always been a classic. The look on their faces when they are in awe of the man in red cape is simply amusing. What more when all of them give their applause and cheers to him for being their savior.
Though the time has long passed since I've started to be fond of that super dude, I can't deny that in that small corner within my heart I'm still doting him. Seeing the classic symbol at the middle of his costume has always brought that insignificant amount of happiness from within my childhood memories. I have to admit that no matter how much the movie industry has revolutionized, the simple sight of him scouring through the skies and tall landmarks has never failed to bring out the kid in me. It has never failed to do so 20 years ago, and it will continue to do so 20 years later. We can't go back to our childhood days anymore, but watching Superman is indeed one of the ways to experience it all over again. It is still a joy for me to do so, and done it I have. For all the years of absence from the world of fantasy, I gladly and thoroughly welcome his

For my whole life, I've been in situations many times where I had to decide on important matters as far as I'm concerned. Some were made in a blind rush, that in the end brought me sickening consequences. I know that there were foolish mistakes I did in making choices in the past, but no point in regretting them now. At least I was clear about what and where I'm heading into. Probably this principle of mine is the reason why people who have difficulty in making choices get on my nerve.
Be it your working life or personal life, the opportunities to make important choices and decisions are hard to come by. But when it finally arrives right in front of you, can you still be complacent enough and just to simply reply "I don't know"? It's normal for human beings to take the easy way out, that I understand. I had my own share of such experience in the past, both in my study life and personal matters. The phrase "I don't know" is used as an excuse to avoid tense situations over and over again that I'm already used to it. In fact I'm quite sick of it as well. What many people don't realise is that easy answers like that only make the life of others hard. Same goes for people who give long answers but not a single effort is put to achieve something, even though it matters deeply for the person concerned. In the end the problem is left unsolved, both sides slowly vanish from one another. What was supposed to be achieved is now just a bitter memory shared by those involved.
When the moment was there to make a single important choice, I did my part hoping the other side would act swiftly to ease the situation. Although the answers I had were sometimes not the ones I long to hear, I still had to take it and stuff it down my throat. When it is the answer that you positively expect, it tends to bring a smile to your face. When it doesn't go exactly the way you would hope for, it is just painful to accept even if the choice has already been made firmly. I know exactly what it's like when my decision doesn't go the same way as the other. I have been in the receiving end of such situations, time and again. To be honest, what made it even more painful to accept is that the amount of effort I've put in to realise a dream just wasn't worth the answer given to me. I've made plans, been as creative as I could to create a content feeling between us. But during those times, it was not to be.
Those moments of making vital choices that concerns me fundamentally have always been something I hate to face. Partly due to heartbreaking consequences of choices I've made in the past. There were minor choices too but for one such as myself, I don't take it lightly though. Some people think that I have only a small circle of friends whom I often go out with. Week in and week out I see them a lot, probably even more than my own parents. What they don't know is that I am the one who chose to be with these few people, not because of the fun spots we usually go to, it's because I am comfortable with them. There are many people around me who I can admit them as my friends. But not all of them I would usually go to. There is no specific reason for me to act this way. I chose to be this way after all the time spent knowing each and everyone of you. And when that special person in my life appears and wonders why her and if my choice is final, I hope the answer can be seen within my deepest sincerity. Some questions are better left unsaid. Some answers are easier to find without asking. We may not realise it firsthand but when it matters the most, the answer is just right in front of us.