Phew~ It has been a tiring but enjoyable weekend for me, starting from Friday night. The actual D.O.B of mine falls on the 13th of Jan, but celebrated it with my family first on the eve of it. Lots of photos were taken in these past 2 nights that I had to leave out some 'cause I was a bit lazy to edit the texts on each of the pics. Besides, I only choose the best looking ones.
It was a dinner on Friday night so we decided to have one at T.G.I Friday's *LoL* Actually I just wanted to try the food there. Kinda pricey, but the food's quite nice and the environment... simply like it there :-)
Mum lookin' at the menu
Playin' with the cam while waiting for the food ^^
My first dish @ the Friday's.... Jack Daniel's Steak~ Liked it! If you're the type of person who will only eat when someone kneels down, this is the place for you.. haha. The waiters and waitresses normally kneels down while taking your orders, down on both knees. They will ask you to stand on your seat and sing a birthday song to you if you tell them you're celebrating it there, but I didn't tell them. I only felt like eating :-P
Getting ready to eat~
Dad looking "sour" there, must be the sour chicken wings we had as appetizer~
group pix~ Look at my sohai brother.. *LoL*
A lovely guest this year, which makes it a memorable 23rd birthday ^^
Next stop... Haagen Dazs for dessert~
Another family "portrait"
Chocolate fondue for dessert. I love this picture a lot~!
Another shot at it ^^
And now, on the 13th...
Had a night out with some old friends at Gurney. Pics ahead ^_^
Spicy Mango cheese cake...
Chocolate Truffle~ thumbs up...
Eleen & Myself -- Birthday girl with Birthday boy. Yea we both were born on Friday 13th ^_^
From left to I'm lazy to name them.. hehe
An @sshole trying to act cute..
So un-creative =.=
I feel molested....
Still the same "kap siao" Eleen that I know :-P
my presents from my loved ones since last Dec.. Thanks~ Love you all so much ^_^
Time to update this blog with more photos. By the way, happy new year everyone~! Here are the snap shots taken on the last night of 2006.
Roast duck noodle, my last meal of 2006.. hehe
Me with Ah Ning
Dessert that came before the meals =.=
Still posing...
I hit him...
...she hits him.. I khi hiao and hit her :-D
a Maxis user holding some Digi freebies :-P
My shield & my ammo..
Kelv playing alone :-P
Piggy fight~!!
'Nuff said...
Piss.. er I mean Peace (^_^)..V
Look at the people~!! Siao eh~
Fireworks, but looks more like sotong (squid) in the sky ^^
A better shot but need to click on it for better view :-D
Me @ Baskin Robbins
That's it for now. Rest of the photos will go to the slide at the right column. Happy Porky New 2007~!!